We will be posting updates, pictures, and even videos! Go to our website and click on the Blog link. Please stay in touch and let us know if you have any problems finding the new blog!

Dear Praying Friends,
Praise the Lord! We are excitedly packing up our belongings to move to Brooklyn, New York. It is so thrilling to know that we are finally headed to where God has called us. We have been raising support part time for the past two years, and we are about half way to our goal. We are trusting God to provide the remainder of our support so we can immerse ourselves in full time urban ministry!
We will be working with Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn for the next few years. This will give us some time to adjust to the differences of city life. You can keep up with our family and ministry at www.UrbanBurden.com. Would you please pray for us as we seek to see souls saved and discipled in this needy area of the city. Also pray for us as we continue to raise support on the East Coast. We are seeking to stay in NYC permanently, and it is a very expensive place to live! We know that this is where God has called us and that He will provide.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sacrifices in helping to send us to New York. We are honored to be one of your missionaries! Urban Burden Ministries would not be possible without the sacrifice of God's people!
We would like to invite any of you in the Milwaukee area to our commissioning service. It will be held at Souls Harbor Baptist Church on October 2nd at 6:00pm.
Love Daniel, Maggy, Havilah and Ian