I have to keep my head tilted like this, so I don't lose the piece of oreo stuck under my chin.

Don't even think about taking this oreo away from me!

Hmmm...I wonder how I can get that piece without letting go of the one I have??

I'll take one more.

You're the best mom ever :)
That is sooooo hilarious! I laughed and laughed!!! Wow what a kusik! I am sure the klaus kids never got that messy! ;-) Wow those are pictures for the year book of her life!! Wow too adorable! Well at least we know she loves chocolate as much as any lady!
I can't believe you gave her an oreo.
That's soooooo funny! She's totally taking after you Mags-seeing how much you love oreo cookies! I don't know about sleeping over this next coming weekend cause we might be going to a hotel, Kel wants to go swimming then stay over one night, but I can talk to you again later. I love you!
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