August 11, 2009

Week 8: Corona, Queens

Daniel, preaching at a street meeting

Havilah has a friend to play with this week. The youth pastor and his wife from PA have a little girl that is 2 months older than Hava. Here they are getting to know each other at the street meeting. They sat in their strollers the whole time!

I forgot to bring Havilah's nuk, so I had to run in a pharmacy and buy one. This one was pretty neat--it closes when it drops so it doesn't get dirty. :)


Mary said...

Does Havilah like meeting other little girls her age?

The Klaus Family said...

She is usually kind of shy at first, but after a little while she has lots of fun. It is so funny, every time she sees this little girl, she says "baby" even though she is younger.

Mary said...

That is so funny!