July 26, 2010

"Need my Mary, Mommy!"

This was on the way home from the airport after dropping off Mary and Grandma Peggy.


Maggy said...

It took us 1 1/2 hours to get back from the airport. This alternated between "I need my Mary, mommy" to Where's my Grandma Peggy go? Can I follow her?" She finally fell asleep after about 45 min.

Molly said...

Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!! This made me cry! Thats so sweet! It was great that Mary Clare was able to come there and help you guys! And I'm just glad she doesn't have to wait long before she gets to see her Mary! Miss you guys! And can't wait to see you soon!

Kelly said...

This is so pathetic! And I am pathetic because I watched it at least 10 times.

Molly said...

LOL!!! Kel! Hilarious!

Harlene & Tony said...

Oh this brought a tear to our eyes ! Havilah what a sweetheart:)Shes a Dear !!! So is Mom & Dad !!!
It takes special people to do what your doing. Your a inspiration!!!God Bless And Watch Over You...
Love You,Grandma Harlene
& Grandpa Tony

Maggy said...

Thanks Grandpa Tony and Grandma Harlene! We will be home in about 1 1/2 weeks!

Mary said...

I STARTED BALLING!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSS HER SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I LUV MY HAVS!!!! Tell her like only 1 more week till I see her!!!! and that I luv my hunga!