July 22, 2008


Thank you all for praying for us! This week we are in Corona, Queens. We are working with Faith Baptist Church. This is the church that the Lowerys started. It is so neat to see the fruit of their ministry from many years ago. There is a youth group from Kansas that is working with us this week as well. We will be handing out tracts and doing children's meetings in the parks.
We want to praise God for the souls we have seen saved and for our safety and health --especially for little Havilah! We are also thankful for the gifts of money we have received from the churches here. We are greatly being blessed by the Christians here in NYC as we are trying to be a blessing to them.
Since we have been here, we have seen how Satan really tries to attack those serving the Lord and to discourage us. But, God's grace is greater! Praise the Lord! "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..."
Please continue to pray for our car situation. There is still a problem with the breaks that will need to be fixed before we head to Wisconsin. Also, pray that God would continue to direct us regarding our future ministry.
We love and miss you all!
Love Dan, Maggy and Havilah Rose

Teaching Bible songs to kids at the park

Mommy and Havilah at the park

Bible Study in Washington Heights

Children's meeting at the park

Who wants a hug?

July 18, 2008

Washington Heights

New York Pizza!!!

Evangelizing in the parks--we use this banner to help share the Gospel. This was our first day at the park, and we had many children stop by and ask lots of questions. We also sang songs with them and handed out portions of the Bible to people walking through the park.

Havilah loves the City! Whenever we take her out, her eyes get really big. She loves to look around.

All the girls on NYSET were getting their cameras out to take pictures of Havilah with her sunglasses on and she started smiling! :)

Full of smiles (most of the time).

Our day off in Manhattan

Havilah got to ride the Staten Island Ferry and see the Statue of Liberty. It was really windy, but she loved it! She loves being outside and riding in her carrier.

Loving NYC

We are having a wonderful summer so far! But, we miss you all!
This is the mansion we stayed in last week in Yonkers!

VBS in Yonkers

Daniel taught the Bible lessons. There were 3 kids saved this week!

Skit time :)

Havilah's very first Vacation Bible School (She didn't get those skinny legs from mommy). :)

July 10, 2008

Pictures from NY

I'm so cute!!!

Working at VBS in Yonkers.

Havilah having fun outside!

Havilah getting her beauty sleep! :)

July 9, 2008


Keep up with our ministry at


July 3, 2008

Dear Family and Friends

Thank you all for praying for us yesterday! We praise the Lord for His safe keeping and blessings.

We arrived in Port Washington (Long Island) last night. Although, our car made it safely all the way here, we did start to have some problems with the brakes right at the end of the trip. We were very discouraged at first and prayed very hard that God would provide the money to get the car fixed. This morning, a dear man from the church took our car to the shop and payed for the work! God is so good!

Later, the same man that fixed our car took the whole team to a Mediterranean restaurant for lunch. Havilah said that mommy can't have any more ethnic food. :) Afterwards, the group went out in the neighborhood inviting people to church. One man was saved!

We thank you all for your love and support! Please pray with us for our vehicle, because there is still some additional work that needs to be done on it next week. Also, pray for Daniel as he will be preaching at a teen rally Friday night, and teaching a VBS all next week.

We love you all! (We'll put some pictures on soon).
Love Dan, Maggy and Havilah