July 22, 2008


Thank you all for praying for us! This week we are in Corona, Queens. We are working with Faith Baptist Church. This is the church that the Lowerys started. It is so neat to see the fruit of their ministry from many years ago. There is a youth group from Kansas that is working with us this week as well. We will be handing out tracts and doing children's meetings in the parks.
We want to praise God for the souls we have seen saved and for our safety and health --especially for little Havilah! We are also thankful for the gifts of money we have received from the churches here. We are greatly being blessed by the Christians here in NYC as we are trying to be a blessing to them.
Since we have been here, we have seen how Satan really tries to attack those serving the Lord and to discourage us. But, God's grace is greater! Praise the Lord! "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness..."
Please continue to pray for our car situation. There is still a problem with the breaks that will need to be fixed before we head to Wisconsin. Also, pray that God would continue to direct us regarding our future ministry.
We love and miss you all!
Love Dan, Maggy and Havilah Rose

Teaching Bible songs to kids at the park

Mommy and Havilah at the park

Bible Study in Washington Heights

Children's meeting at the park

Who wants a hug?


Anonymous said...

Oh my i can't get over how beautiful Hava is!!!! Just adorable!!!!! We keep you in our prayers daily! Looks like you guys are doing a great job! Dan, Seth said your hair looks long! Mag's I love your earings and of course you daughter is adorable! I really want a hug!!! Please Hava save millions for me! Love you guys! Keep the working going!

Anonymous said...

A Spanish lady from the church in Yonkers gave the earrings to me as a present. She said that I was a good mommy. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh that's soooo sweet! And I am sure you are just a awsome mommy, don't know about that long hair hubby of yours! ;-) love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!! I'm glad to hear that things are going so well there! We are very excited. We just finished with VBS and 1 boy got saved....and he's coming to church this sunday and he's bringing his sister and his mom! We were so excited!! We leave for home in 3 days and I am ready! havilah is just too cute for words!! Keep the pictures coming....we'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...

In case you look, I put pictures of the blanket and bed skirt. on facebook

Anonymous said...

Ok,she's to cute for me to explain i'm sorry but it would just be too hard to explain how cute she is cause she's just to cute for her own good.......anyways I CANT WAIT TILL YOU GUYS COME!!!!, all my friends can't wait to Havilah! I'm dying to get a hug from Havilah! And of course can't wait for a hug from maggy and dan!- you guys are just too perfect for eachother........well ok, Kelly says that I sleeptalk at night--like you, maggy! But nobodys ever told me that i did..so tell me if you remember me sleeptalking ok? Ok....well guess i'll go now. bye-bye love ya'll!---ALOT!