New York Pizza!!!
Evangelizing in the parks--we use this banner to help share the Gospel. This was our first day at the park, and we had many children stop by and ask lots of questions. We also sang songs with them and handed out portions of the Bible to people walking through the park.

Havilah loves the City! Whenever we take her out, her eyes get really big. She loves to look around.
Havilah loves the City! Whenever we take her out, her eyes get really big. She loves to look around.
Oh goodness, Havilah is ssssssssssssssssoooooooooooo cute!!! I just love those beautiful blue eyes!!! The glasses one is the best ever!!! She looks sooo happy, although I am sure she's not always like that! I really wish she was here so I can hold her! I can almost smell her baby scent! I love the poster you guys use! Awsome! Praying for you and your guys ministry! Although that pizza....hmmmm...ya I can't think of anything to say!
I thought the pizza here was weird...that had macaroni on it!! havilah is just too cute...I agree with Molly! Can't wait to see you guys! One week to go here! love ya!
Hey Daniel, Maggy, and Havilah, how are you guys doing? I love looking on here and seeing you guys and Havilah. She is beautiful. It is great that she has a Christian family to raise her in this world we are living in today. Glad you are doing ok in NYC and we miss you at Advance. God is good. After all he made a way for you to depart from Advance and do what God has called you and your family to do. Anyway, got to go get ready for work. The ladies I set with ask about you, so I will let them see for themselves how you and your family are doing when I get to work. God Bless .......................................Cathy.....
Havilah has such big eyes! ...Being able to look at all your pictures helps a little, but I'm dying to see you guys in person. Please come visit me soon.
Oh you guys--the baby is beautiful! and the pizza.....:(:(:(:(:( oohhh..that is SOOO making me miss home. Agh! Live it up yous guys. I can't wait to go home and be back in the city again. BUT-I absolutely love what I am doing. Its great here. I hope all is going well there too. Praying for yous!
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