July 28, 2009

Prayer Requests

Please pray for Jess Lane, one of our team members. She is having gall stones removed today, and surgery to remove her gallbladder tomorrow. Also, pray for Jonny--another team member who was in the emergency room yesterday. The doctor said he could possibly have Crohn's disease. Thanks for all your prayers!

July 25, 2009

Havilah's friends

Havilah's friends from Memorial Baptist Church in Brooklyn.

We praise the Lord for a wonderful meeting at their church last Sunday. We were able to present our ministry and share our burden for working in the city. We were a little nervous about our presentation, because we knew that all the church members knew a lot more about NYC than we did. :) But, our prayer and main goal was just to be an encouragement to the church. We would also ask you all the pray for the Lord's leading about working with the Christophers at Memorial Baptist Church. We believe the Lord is leading us to help their ministry. Working along with Pastor Christopher and his wife would be a great blessing, and we would learn much from them--they have been in the ministry in NYC for about 30 years! Please pray that we will raise our support quickly and be able to begin this ministry in the Lord's timing!

July 24, 2009

Week 5 Update

Dear Family and Friends,
We are having an exciting week in Franklin Square, Long Island! Monday morning started at 9am with prayer and soul-winning training sessions. Then, we went out in the neiborhoods--inviting people to church and VBS--until 8:30 pm! We have seen several people saved this week! Yesterday, Daniel and I were out together witnessing in an apartment building with Jonny and Jessica. We were able to hear Jonny lead a lady to the Lord. It was so exciting! We were also able to go through the whole plan of salvation with 2 other people. This has been a very busy week, but we had a wonderful day of rest today. Next week we will be at this same church, helping with their VBS and making follow-up visits! Please continue to keep us in prayer!

July 22, 2009

VBS--Park Slope, Brooklyn

Memorial Baptist Church

Havilah loves all the puppets at Vacation Bible School

Putting money in the offering

Sophie and I after VBS

Thank you Auntie Molly!

Trying out my new toothbrush and dress from Aunt Molly. I have 4 teeth now, and since I love sweets, mom says I have to brush me teeth every day!

Some misc. pics!

Havilah loved watching the kids play bean bag toss. :)

Playing with Rachel and Jes on the way to Brooklyn

Nyset group in Yonkers

July 18, 2009

Pics from our week in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn

One day we handed out tracts in the morning. Then, we ate lunch in the pavilion on the beach! Havilah loved it!

I'm out of here!

July 16, 2009

A Beautiful View of the City

Praying for New York City!

I love it here!

Day off at Prospect Park

July 14, 2009

Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge

Havilah thinks she's a big city girl already!

Daddy and Havilah enjoying the view of Manhattan

I love my little girl!
(You can see the Statue of Liberty in the background.)

July 13, 2009

Practicing skits...

Havilah wanted to be in the skits, but then she chickened-out. :)

Just enjoying a peaceful day in the City!

July 11, 2009

Please and Thank you

Havilah is learning so many new words. She can say "please" and "thank you" pretty well. It is hard to hear in this video so you have to listen closely! :)

Week 3!

We praise the Lord for an exciting week in Yonkers! We worked with Hudson View Baptist Church which is located in a beautiful area near the Hudson River. Because their youth pastor had just moved, Daniel and Jonny did much of the preparation work for their VBS! We are praying that the Lord would bring along some youth workers for this church, to keep up with the many children that were reached!

We did have some excitement half-way through the week. On Tuesday night, right after everyone went to bed, a tremendous storm blew through the area! The storm was classified as a downburst, which are often mistaken for tornadoes due to the severity of the damage. A downburst is air diving toward the surface, whereas a tornado is composed of rising air. It was reported that the wind speed during the storm was up to 80 mph! It woke us all up around midnight--sheets of water and hail beating on our windows. The electricity was out for a whole day after the storm, because of power lines that were hit by trees. The whole team was up till 5 am bailing water out of the church basement and the pastor's house! In the morning, there were trees snapped in half all over, flower beds completely destroyed, and a huge double grill blown about 30 feet away! We are so thankful that no one was hurt! It was such a blessing to be there for the pastor and his family and help them out during this time! We are so amazed to see how God works everything out for good and directs the steps of those who delight in Him!

We love and miss you all! Pray for us this week in Brooklyn!

Hat day at VBS!

Daniel led the whole VBS and did a wonderful job. The kids loved him! The church just lost their youth pastor (hmm Fred and Melissa), so there was a lot of work to do to get ready for their VBS! We all had so much fun working with the children and the wonderful church family at Hudson View Baptist Church!
Skit time!

Havilah had so much fun at Vacation Bible School! Good thing--because we have 3 more this summer. :)

Some of the NYSET ladies--they're SO wonderful!

More VBS pics

Havilah loves to play the piano!

Havilah knew where snack time was, so she would run over there whenever she got a chance. All the ladies let her have as many snacks as she wanted!

July 10, 2009

VBS, Yonkers

Havilah loved the puppets!

July 6, 2009

West Point Military Academy, Concert and Fireworks

Just getting some rest, so I can stay up late to see the fireworks.

Jessica and Maggy--waiting for the fireworks


Hava's very first fireworks...she actually was more concerned with her glow stick than the fireworks.
One of the NYSET guys bought Havilah a glow stick.

Havilah loved the 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Havilah is standing in one of the old fireplaces of the house we are staying in. :)

I think she looks like Bethany in this picture.

Our little family!

July 4, 2009


We are so thankful the Lord has made it possible for us to minister here in NYC this summer! Our first week here was spent in training the NYSET team and touring the city. We also did a street meeting in Queens with a group from Baptist College of Ministry in Milwaukee, WI. Many tracts were handed out and thousands heard the Gospel! We have a wonderful team that we are working with this summer. They all have one mind in the Lord and are committed to serving Him to the best of their abilities!

The first church that we worked with was Brighton Beach Baptist Church in Brooklyn. It is a predominantly Russian and Jewish area. Although, it was a difficult week for us spiritually, we were able to hand out thousands of tracts, invitations to church, and parts of the Bible in Russian. It was so sad to see the thousands of Jewish people who are so hardened to the true Gospel. Their faces were so sad. We are praying for the seeds of Christ’s glorious Gospel that were planted in their hearts!

The first week of July we are working in Yonkers, Long Island helping Hudson View Baptist Church. We will be doing various work projects and helping with Vacation Bible School. Then, we head to Franklin Square, Long Island for two weeks to help Grace Baptist Church. We will help them recruit kids for their VBS as well as running the next week. We have had a very busy schedule so far, but are so excited to be here!

Our goals for this summer are to see many souls saved here in New York, and to encourage pastors and churches! We are so thankful for all of you who have been faithful in praying for us and for our ministry here! Please continue to pray that we can get many meetings scheduled for this fall! Also, please pray along with us for the millions of people here in New York City!

In His service!

Daniel and Maggy Klaus

July 3, 2009

More pics of Havilah

Can anyone tell me who she looks like in this picture?

I feel like I'm chasing Havilah everywhere!

Getting ready to leave for Yonkers, NY

OK mom, I'm only going to sit for one picture...

I'm out of here and I'm taking my leash!

July 2, 2009

Lovin the park!

In the center of the park, there were sprinklers for the kids to play in. It was so hot out that Havilah loved playing in the water. I think she didn't realize that she was running right in front of the sprinkler. It was so funny!
We have found no greater joy than to serve the Lord with our lives and with everything that we have!

Playing at the park

We did some witnessing at the Manhattan Beach Park on Tuesday. Havilah had a blast!

Gangsta girl

Our precious little girl!