About Us

The Lord has called our family to New York City. It is our goal to see churches established and encouraged. Just as Barnabas, Timothy, and Titus assisted Paul in urban evangelism and church planting, it is our desire to help church planters in New York. During the months of July and August, we will be working with the New York Summer Evangelism Team—NYSET. This team was founded by evangelist Doug Lowery in 2003. As NYSET members, we will work with fundamental, independent, Bible-believing churches throughout the greater New York City area assisting in evangelism and work projects. Daniel traveled with the first NYSET team in 2004, and we worked as a family with the 2008, 2009 and 2010 teams.

New York City is known for density and diversity. It is the most densely populated major city in the United States, with a population of 8,274,527! There is an average of 170 different languages spoken; and, about 40% of the population was born outside of the United States. We believe that by going to this great city, we can begin reaching the world!

We are very excited to begin our ministry to which the Lord has called us, and would like to ask you and your church to help us by investing in our ministry prayerfully and financially. We would love the opportunity to present our ministry to your church. If you have any questions about is or our ministry, please feel free to give us a call. We would love to talk with you! God bless you and your ministry!


The Klaus family