August 31, 2010

VBS at Souls Harbor!

Rodeo Daze!!!

I got to put a pie in Daniel's face! :)


August 21, 2010

Summer Update

“but God gave the increase!”

On our 18-hour drive home from New York, we were so excited about the many ministry opportunities God gave us this summer. The precious news of the Gospel as well as the necessity of sharing it with others has become even more real to us these past few months. We praise the Lord for souls saved! It was so exciting to see children trust Christ during several of the Vacation Bible Schools. We also had a great teen WAR in Yonkers, and saw several teens saved! As these teens rode the church van home, they had so many questions about the Bible as many of them had never even heard the Gospel before! We are praying for the many seeds of God’s Word that were planted or watered this summer…that God would give the increase!

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation.” One day in Brooklyn, Daniel was told he should be ashamed of himself for handing out tracts. We consider it a blessing to be able to share the news of Christ with so many different people! One week in Brooklyn along with the NYSET team, we were able to hand out 2,500 copies of John and Romans in English and Spanish. Also, in a predominantly Russian and Jewish area of Brooklyn, we handed out hundreds of copies of Russian and Hebrew Bibles. We also prayed this summer that God would give us divine appointments. It was exciting to see God answer that prayer countless times! One day at a subway stop as we were witnessing, Daniel was able to talk and pray with a saved but broken man who was in the midst of some great trials. It was neat to see how God brought him across Daniel’s path just as he needed some encouragement.

We also praise the Lord for many unexpected blessings! One week as we were planning a kids meeting in a park, we received a care package from one of our supporting churches. It was full of kid’s prizes, candy, wordless books and bracelets—all perfect for park meetings and Vacation Bible Schools! It is hard to truly share with you all how exciting it is for us to be serving the Lord!

Prayer Requests

  • Full schedule of meetings for fall, winter spring
  • Direction concerning the timing of moving to Brooklyn
  • Safety in travel

For the millions of souls in NYC,

The Daniel Klaus Family

August 7, 2010

NYSET 2010

the Klauses and Lowerys

August 6, 2010

Our last week in the City!

August 2, 2010

Our adorable Niece, Zara!

We can't wait to meet you in a couple of weeks!

August 1, 2010

Hava, helping lead songs

Daniel was leading the songs for VBS. Havilah loved to watch him and try to copy him!