October 16, 2010


At Memorial Baptist Church, Brooklyn

It was supposed to rain all day, so Havilah was prepared.

Enjoying Brooklyn!

We had to get bagels our first morning in the city!


Molly said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! She's sooooo adorable cute! So are you Dan! ;-) But where is the adorably cute prego Mags?????

Maggy said...

I had a really bad cold (thanks to Kel) so I look terrible in all the pictures. :)

Molly said...

I doubt you ever look bad in a picture Mags! But I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! I'll be praying you get better and your trip isn't ruined! Love ya!

Mary said...

Did she remember it??...i miss her soooo much!!, and you guys of course!